Please read the following to familiarize yourself with
the steps that require your input.
  Thank you for purchasing your new website with us.

Today, more than ever, most successful companies are present online. In our opinion, the smaller the  company, the bigger the need to an online presence.

Online presence is the most cost effective referral and publicity tool, the cleaner form of advertising. Unlike printed material, it's available globally, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In order to complete your new website project, there are several steps, from which most need your input. We are striving to minimize the tasks you'll be responsible for and keep them to a minimum.

Since you are the owner of the company, you are the best person to describe your company, or choose a person to delegate this task to.

Although we are trying to propose the best choices, you might have to choose one or several of the needed items: domain name, e-mail aliases, the package you need, the design that fits your image, description of company, team, products, services and other descriptions and/or pictures.

Thank you for your understanding,

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